Sustainable Products & Services

Rosenbauer offers its customers sustainable firefighting products that combine safety and longevity.

Technology and innovation, reliability and longevity, and health and safety of emergency services are the most important aspects for Rosenbauer in the development and manufacture of products. The company studies social megatrends in detail along with their implications as regards future requirements for emergency services. For example, demographic change and increasing digitalization will have an impact on the way fire services are structured and the technology they use. In addition, Rosenbauer is transitioning more and more into being a systems provider to fire services; this is why customer service is playing an increasingly important role at the company. One strategic goal is to equip fire services with alluring, state-of-the-art products. Rosenbauer plays a large part in defining these as it is the firefighting industry’s technology and innovation leader. So for the company, research and development are a top priority. The same applies to ongoing product development with regard to environmental impact and ergonomics. The quality management system and regular audits guarantee continual improvement.

Close cooperation with all suppliers and business partners is a critical factor for Rosenbauer’s success. They are selected according to strict criteria and regularly assessed. In general, business relationships with key suppliers to the major production facilities are longstanding. Value is also guaranteed locally through partnerships with mostly regional suppliers. Additional information on the topic of supply chain management is provided in the Business Ethics & Supply Chain section.

Additional information on the topic of supply chain management is provided in the Business Ethics & Supply Chain section.

Technology and Innovation

The focus on technology and innovation enables Rosenbauer to equip fire services with alluring products. Research into future developments and trends serves as the foundation for Rosenbauer’s innovation efforts, which are always focused on the long term. The Rosenbauer Fire Service Trendmap draws connections between the major megatrends and fire services and serves as a source for inspiration.

In the reporting year, Rosenbauer published the “Firefighting Trend Map 5.0,” an interactive digital map with extensive background information on the twelve major global industry trends it covers. The content was validated and refined through internal trend workshops and a workshop with European experts. The digital processing has made it possible to prepare a large part of the underlying research findings in such a way that they are easier to grasp for further derivations.

Employees who bring their field experience gained from participation in volunteer fire services to bear on processes and product development at Rosenbauer make a major contribution to the company’s innovativeness. To leverage external expertise, the company works with educational institutions and centers of excellence and actively participates in national and international research programs.

For example, in 2022 the “Green Energy on Fire” initiative was launched, a networking and knowledge platform for the energy and mobility transition among Austrian fire services. The most important areas of action drawn from this are presented centrally in the “Green Energy on Fire Map” and further broadened. The continuation of the “Green Energy on Fire” network and the focusing of funding and implementation support from the federal and state governments were part of the development activities in 2023. Digital, online maps for “Green Energy on Fire” and the “Wildfire action map” are currently being developed. They are intended to support emergency response organizations in gaining an easier overview of the often complex issues and serve as a basis for deriving concrete approaches.

This includes factoring in environmental issues at a very early stage of development through materials analysis, taking account of material workability and recyclability. Rosenbauer is increasingly focusing on prevention, particularly in its innovation activities. This will prevent damage situations from having to be mitigated in the first place, and instead they will be prevented as early as possible. The early spotting of fires and especially wildfires has been a key area of emphasis in research in this regard since 2019. Rosenbauer’s position as an innovation and technology leader in the firefighting industry is possible only with an in-depth understanding of future fire service requirements, the expertise of long-serving employees and continuous R&D activity. Equally, customers and users are involved in most of its developments. In the reporting year, Rosenbauer invested € 31.6 million in research and development.

Integrated wildfire management

In the reporting year, Rosenbauer transitioned into a full-service provider for fighting wildfires. From personal protective equipment to technical equipment, Rosenbauer offers emergency services, an extensive range of products that is constantly being optimized and adapted to customer needs.

The current product range of personal protective equipment for wildfires consists of the GAROS G10, a lightweight protective suit, the GLOROS F10, a special wildfire glove, and the BOROS B2 and BOROS B3 Cross shoe line. The range’s HEROS H10 wildfire helmet was presented to the public as a prototype in the reporting year. In addition, there is a portable wildfire pump set for the emergency services in the technical equipment range. There is also a range of specific vehicle solutions and digital support products on offer that help not only to detect fires but also to determine their exact location.

Rosenbauer has been cooperating with OroraTech since the beginning of 2022 in order to detect wildfires at an even earlier stage with the aid of satellite systems. OroraTech provides up-to-date wildfire information from public satellites and an increasing number of its proprietary “low orbit” satellites equipped with high-resolution thermal imaging cameras. Rosenbauer integrates data that is relevant for the mission into its situation overview.

The aim of the strategic partnership is to digitalize fighting wildfires in order to provide the most accurate information to emergency response organizations on the ground as a basis for making prevention and deployment decisions.

The RT out in the field

In the reporting year, two of the all-electric “Revolutionary Technology” (RT) vehicles were handed over to the Vienna professional fire department. They were designed as innovative basic firefighting vehicles. This means that Rosenbauer is now represented with the RT across the entire DACH region, and there were already 29 vehicles out in the field in locations worldwide at the end of 2023.

The innovative concept of the RT supports emergency response organizations in achieving their sustainability goals. For this, the RT received the Austrian Mobility Award in the category “Climate-friendly technologies – sustainable value creation” in 2022.

Extinguishing systems for battery fires in electric vehicles

Changes in the way we get around are bringing an increasing number of electric vehicles onto the roads. This poses a new challenge for fire departments. Although electric vehicles are no more prone to fires than conventional ones, the potential hazards of high-voltage batteries that catch fire cannot be underestimated.

Rosenbauer has been researching high-voltage battery fires since 2018. With the market launch of a corresponding extinguishing system in 2021, Rosenbauer has once again demonstrated its innovative leadership. Since then, the system has established itself on the market and is now being used with much success in locations worldwide.

Reducing the environmental impact of products

Rosenbauer takes sustainability into account over the entire life cycle of its products. For instance, in the design phase, all environmental impacts are considered, as is the greatest possible reduction of waste and the efficient use of resources. The superstructures of Rosenbauer firefighting vehicles are largely made of aluminum, as it is significantly lighter and less susceptible to corrosion than steel. The design of the Advanced Technology (AT) firefighting truck allows maximum utilization of the body, higher payloads compared to vehicles with steel superstructures, and superior handling. It also makes the AT municipal flagship easier to recycle at the end of its life.

Closed-loop material cycle for water tanks

Extinguishing agent tanks are a feature of almost every firefighting vehicle. The standards for these components are high. The tanks must be as stable as possible, while also being lightweight and resisting corrosion. During deployments, they must be well positioned for turns to enable superior vehicle handling and not end up as hazardous waste at the end of the product’s life cycle. Rosenbauer precisely meets these needs with the production of a water tank made of PP (polypropylene). Previously, all water tanks were made of steel or glass fiber-reinforced plastic (GRP). However, when GRP is processed, this can release fine glass particles that are hazardous to human health. In addition, this material can only be incinerated as residual waste.

The product itself, as well as its production process, was developed by Rosenbauer. A robot programmed for this purpose has been used at Rosenbauer since 2015 for welding and grinding work. Around 700 tanks with a capacity of 500 to 18,000 liters are manufactured annually at our plant in Radgona, Slovenia.

Since 2020, the water tanks in all PANTHER ARFF vehicle types have also been made of PP. These environmentally friendly tanks are also used across the board in all other vehicle types. If a vehicle with a PP tank is scrapped, it can be returned to the material cycle, even after a long period of service. And when it is disposed of correctly, a new extinguishing agent tank can be produced for Rosenbauer vehicles. This change in production allows Rosenbauer to not only improve the environmental footprint of its products but also to make a significant contribution to maintaining employee health in the workplace.

Toward a fluorine-free future – Proportioning systems for fluorine-free extinguishing agents

Extinguishing foam is among the most important products for fighting fires in solid materials and liquids. Some foam concentrates contain substances that fall into the category of PFCs, or perfluorinated chemicals. In addition to their great advantages in firefighting, the adverse impact of these perfluorinated chemicals on the environment cannot be ignored. After a deployment, they enter the soil along with extinguishing water and cannot be broken down naturally. With time, their concentration can increase and they can enter the food chain with toxic effects. An alternative is fluorine-free foam concentrates that are fully biodegradable. The higher viscosity of these fluorine-free compounds also increases the demands on the pressurized foam proportioning systems, however. In order to resolve these many requirements and technical challenges, Rosenbauer has developed a new system, the RFC Admix Variomatic. In addition to producing foam proportioning systems, the company helps customers minimize the use of foam concentrates, recommends the use of fluorine-free foam concentrates and therefore keeps the environmental impact to a minimum. In addition, the VARIOMATIC foam proportioning system enables a foam-free practice mode. Likewise, the FIXMIX 2.0 E for the Panther has a test mode that can also be carried out with water instead of foam.

The Pinzgauer belonging to FF Windischgarsten volunteer fire department before and after refurbishment.


Product reliability and longevity

Since firefighting technology has to operate immediately, reliably and flawlessly in the toughest conditions, quality is the primary factor in all products and processes and in production. The associated reliability and longevity are extremely important, not least because most fire services are publicly funded. In addition to the quality management system, this is guaranteed by Rosenbauer through the use of high-quality materials and components, and continual improvement of product safety and customer service, which ensures safe operation.

Quality is number one at Rosenbauer – Rosenbauer’s quality management system

The conditions firefighting technology must be able to withstand are stipulated in strict standards. Rosenbauer meets the highest standards worldwide. The company guarantees quality along the entire value chain with experienced professionals and an ISO 9001:2015-certified quality management system, which is also used to steer and optimize processes.

The best possible quality is ensured by numerous quality tests conducted as early as the production stage. For example, a truck-mounted fire pump is put through its paces several times during production: initially after production of the body, after the assembly of other components and attachments and, ultimately, at the end of production. After installation in a vehicle, all the pump functions are rechecked during the final quality inspection.

All the regulations and documents required for operating processes are available online. The system is reviewed and updated by way of regular internal and external audits and customer audits.

Refurbishment as the focal point of the circular economy

Sustainability plays an important role in the Rosenbauer Group, which is why the Group is continuing to focus intensively on the topic of the circular economy in the reporting year as well. The focus here is on the product. At the end of its life cycle, it should not become a burden on people and nature (waste), but should be able to be reused in the most environmentally friendly way possible through targeted measures such as refurbishment or the recycling of components. Together with the Johannes Kepler University and the Linz Center of Mechatronics as well as other industrial companies, Rosenbauer launched a pilot project in the reporting year to identify specific recycling potential for submersible pumps or thermoset rear seat benches (installed in AT) and to develop an approach.

Product reliability and longevity along with high quality are the most important requirements in production at Rosenbauer. Thanks to the refurbishment program, Rosenbauer is lengthening the service life of its products sustainably and bringing every aging vehicle up to the state of the art in technology, while incorporating the most recent innovations. Overhauling vehicles, equipment or key components to make them like new is an extensive process using the skills of highly qualified technicians at Rosenbauer that requires strict quality controls. The goal is to refurbish a vehicle back to an excellent standard of quality, regardless of vehicle type. In the reporting period, 26 vehicles were refurbished as part of this program. Furthermore, Rosenbauer also completed more than 14 projects in which individual components (e.g. lighting or brackets) were brought up to date.


As a full-service provider, Rosenbauer offers not only new vehicles and a wide range of equipment and components, but also the refurbishment of vehicles. This involves modernizing older firefighting vehicles so that they can continue to perform their duties. This is a sustainable and cost-saving alternative to purchasing new vehicles, which is often chosen for vehicles with special chassis (Pinzgauer, Unimog).

In this interview, Martin Reitetschläger provides an insight into how a refurbishment works at Rosenbauer and its requirements.

Martin Reitetschläger, Refurishment-Team Reosenbauer

Mr. Reitetschläger, you have been working in refurbishment at Rosenbauer since 2011. Can you give us a brief outline of the process?
Martin Reitetschläger: Of course. In our customer center at the location in Asten (Austria), four people from the service team take care of the processing of orders – from the quotation to the handover to the customer. The process involves several steps, such as an initial meeting and the preparation of a rough quotation, so that the fire departments have an overview of what costs to expect.

This is followed by a thorough inspection of the vehicle and the preparation of a specific offer. Once the order has been placed, a structural work meeting follows and we work with the fire department to specify the work to be carried out. Once all points have been clarified, the conversion work begins – this can include, for example, replacing the lighting system with LED or modernizing the equipment and crew compartment. We hold regular meetings and consultations to discuss the current status and provide regular updates on progress. Only after an extensive test phase is the completely refurbished vehicle handed over to the customer.

You mentioned the lighting system and equipment compartment, which other parts of the vehicle are usually replaced?
Martin Reitetschläger:
A key point is the repair of corrosion damage and components that are badly worn or damaged. We also replace the electronics, install new equipment, or replace the seat and rear upholstery, for example. The vehicles are also upgraded by installing safety- relevant components such as reversing cameras, cornering assistants, additional speed cameras, or traffic guidance systems.

And what happens to the replaced parts?
Martin Reitetschläger:
The replaced parts are kept until the final acceptance of the vehicle. The customer decides upon handover whether he wants to use parts, such as brackets or belts, for other purposes. If this is not the case, we will send them for recycling.

Can a trend be identified as to which fire departments are particularly interested in refurbishment?
Martin Reitetschläger:
Interested parties approach us for a wide variety of reasons. They are often fire departments that have very off-road vehicles (Pinzgauer or Unimog) in their fleet. But also fire departments that need adaptations to cope with certain operational scenarios such as forest fires or chemical accidents. It may also be the case that vehicles in the fire departments are no longer being refitted or that it is currently not possible to finance new vehicles.

What parameters play a role when deciding whether to purchase a new vehicle or refurbish one?
Martin Reitetschläger:
In my opinion, the condition of the chassis and the body as well as the prices for new vehicles are key factors in the decision-making process. A refurbishment only makes sense if the equipment or the vehicle still has a considerable residual value. As already mentioned, the condition of the chassis, but also the availability of spare parts, is crucial. By modernizing obsolete or worn parts, costs are saved and, at the same time, the service life of a vehicle is significantly extended.

Rosenbauer is already addressing the topic of the circular economy with a number of exemplary products. Where does refurbishment fit in here?
Martin Reitetschläger:
The circular economy is about using, repairing, and recycling existing materials and products for as long as possible, with the aim of extending their life cycle. This is exactly what we achieve with a refurbishment. Instead of disposing of old vehicles, they are brought up to date. This saves resources, reduces waste and, at the same time, preserves the value of the vehicles and maximizes their useful life. A win-win situation for the environment and the fire department.

Mr. Reitetschläger, thank you very much for the interview and the interesting insights.

Extinguishing systems and invasive extinguishing technology

The development and production of fire extinguishing systems and components for extinguishing technology is one of Rosenbauer’s core competencies. This covers pumps and pump systems, portable fire pumps, such as the FOX or FOX S, admixture systems, turrets, electronic control systems, mobile compressed-air foam extinguishing systems (POLY or CAFS systems), portable fire extinguishers and compressed-air foam systems in every performance class.

To minimize hazards during operations, Rosenbauer developed the RTE Robot (remote-controlled tracked vehicle), which, thanks to standardized interfaces, can be equipped with different superstructures, such as a turret, depending on the operational scenario.

With the battery extinguishing system, Rosenbauer launched an innovative extinguishing system for the safe and environmentally friendly extinguishing of electric car-battery fires. The extinguishing water is transported directly into the interior of the battery without emergency services having to be next to the vehicle. This means the service men and women are not exposed to any of the harmful substances released during battery fires.

Rosenbauer also supplies the RFC CUTTEX, a high-pressure extinguishing system with the function of water-jet cutting, which combines the steps of cutting and extinguishing in a single system. It was developed to safely and efficiently extinguish fires with a low fire load or in angled structures, such as ventilation systems, without having to create large-scale access to the source of the fire in the first phase of firefighting.
Since April 2023, Rosenbauer has been cooperating with SYNEX TECH on the market launch of DRILL-X. The drilling extinguishing device (drilling, penetration, extinguishing) is used to combat localized fires with a high fire load, such as roof truss fires or fires in larger buildings, without the need to enter the fire room during the initial firefighting phase.

Health and Safety of emergency services personnel

The health and safety of firefighters is Rosenbauer’s top priority and is always the focus in the use of our products. In addition, product ergonomics and safety devices are being continuously improved. These must provide the fire services with the best possible support and protection as they go about their daily work. Rosenbauer offers comprehensive customer training courses. These range from operator and technical training on vehicles and extinguishing systems, through special tactical training to simulated deployments. Rosenbauer measures the outcome of these actions based on the number of training sessions attended and simulators sold, and by comparing the user-friendliness.

“Be clean & stay healthy” – Hygiene campaign

Rosenbauer sees itself as a partner to fire departments. For this reason, the company considers it a societal duty to focus its research activities on topics that promote the health and safety of emergency services. Firefighters literally “walk through fire” when they are deployed. In the process, they are exposed to various risks, such as smoke inhalation. Rosenbauer has also dedicated itself to the topic of “operational hygiene” in 2022 and presented at Interschutz how modern operational hygiene can be practiced and and how this can help emergency forces to better protect their health. With this, Rosenbauer aims to promote and strengthen awareness of hygiene during fire service deployments. Rosenbauer is also working intensively on concepts and solutions for fire departments for decontaminating protective clothing. In line with the megatrend of health, the safety and personal health of emergency services personnel are the top priority. This issue is gaining importance in Northern Europe, the United States, and Australia.

Customer service – Customers are the focus at Rosenbauer

An important component of vehicle longevity and safe use is customer service. This ensures that Rosenbauer products can be operated safely by users and remain operational throughout their entire life cycle. The global service organization consists of around 550 service technicians, 25 Rosenbauer service workshops and around 100 regional service partners with their own infrastructure.

No vehicle is handed over to a customer without prior training. In addition, training4fire offers a comprehensive range of training for fire services, from operator and repair training to specialist programs for engineers and equipment maintenance personnel, through tactical, operational and driver safety training. Rosenbauer provides a guaranteed supply of spare parts delivered quickly to ensure its products are always ready for operation. To provide the best possible customer care, Rosenbauer invests in a comprehensive, intensive service training program: all service technicians attend a multi-phase training program, which mainly comprises various e-learning modules and in-person training sessions on proper repair and maintenance of all Rosenbauer products.

Expanding the simulator range

The correct handling of the equipment as well as the complex vehicles demands a lot of skill and tactical knowledge from the task forces. Rosenbauer’s goal for simulators is to facilitate training for emergency services and to ensure their preparedness for unusual situations in an emergency. The company has met these requirements since 2014 with a range of various simulators. Training in a simulator is cost-effective and possible at any time, not to mention it avoids putting firefighters in dangerous situations unnecessarily. In addition, it is environmentally friendly due to the reduction in fuel, water, and foam concentrate used.

Variety of training simulators

Robots for many applications – All-purpose “helpers”

The digital transformation of fire services is becoming increasingly noticeable. Of all of the advantages this brings, the primary ones are occupational health and safety for fire departments. This is also a major concern for Rosenbauer during the new product development process. In 2020, the company launched a new product to precisely meet these needs: the RTE ROBOT. This is an innovation by Rosenbauer that involved the development of an electric track vehicle used for reducing to a minimum potential hazards operational teams might face. From transporting heavy equipment to various recovery operations and even reconnaissance with the help of cameras, the robot handles particularly difficult and dangerous tasks to assist the humans deployed. The many possible uses for this device are a unique feature. This is another product created by Rosenbauer to support safe deployment of emergency services while keeping people out of the danger zone.

Rosenbauer offers by far the best and largest service network in the industry worldwide.